What is Chronokinesis?

Monday, September 24, 2012

recent events


The civil unrest in the Middle East is explained by a recent Chronokinetic Energy Release, which is performed regularly to prevent my head from exploding, in which my energy was directed to a magic spell for "unrest, chaos, violence..."  It does not matter what words are read during a CK-E Release, as anything will trigger an event.  This happened in September not July when the book was first printed; someone bought 2 copies in September online. 

[ https://www.createspace.com/3924452 ]

The release also caused a local fight in my neighborhood (my area of effect) in which a woman attacked a man  or neighbor and broke windows of a car with rocks. 

An avalanche occurred in Nepal (from spell on a different page, also read during the CK-E release).

And the NYSE prospered, and i sold some books (from a successful business spell)..

Magic or whatever you call it works in this case for written willed events.  I am full of CK-E and read something - anything not necessarily occult - and in a short time an event transpires.  

M7 2012.